Sunday, June 29, 2014

New Closing Statement Coming Soon

The settlement statement at closing will soon be significantly changing and will no longer be produced by HUD.  It will be slightly longer, but hopefully easier to understand.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Homeowner's Insurance Required By Lenders

If you are buying a property using a mortgage, you will be required by your lender to carry homeowner's insurance.  This is because the property is acting as collateral for the loan, so if the property is destroyed or damaged, any insurance proceeds will first be paid to the lender until their interest is covered, then any additional proceeds will be payable to the buyer.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Home Warranty Section

In the new 6.0 contract, the home warranty section was moved to the optional paragraphs. Be aware that the language is slightly different, with an actual cost to be inserted.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6.0 Real Estate Contract Coming Soon

The new 6.0 Real Estate Contract should be available within a couple weeks. It looks like it will be approved for use all over northern Illinois.
